Saturday, 29 August 2015

Who will notice (part 2)

Read Part 1 here.

In Part 1, it seemed pretty obvious to others that I had surgery done. I now realise that it was because my eyes were still swollen!

Now that my eyes are not swollen anymore and I look normal, I am still observing whether people notice or not.

I placed them in 2 categories below-

Not-so-close friends/acquaintances: Don't notice at all. Including females. They don't even look at me weirdly or say things like 'You look different'. Or perhaps they're just trying to be polite... well, I'll never know.

Also, if it helps, prior to the surgery, I almost always had black eyeliner on.

Best friends: Pretty no-brainer. Yup, they notice. I do have best friends and really close friends that I unfortunately meet really, really rarely. One of my best friends who I haven't seen since before the surgery saw a photo of me on FB and immediately noticed and said I looked much livelier!

1 comment:

  1. Hope u can keep us updated of ur progress. Just got mine done 12 days ago
