Monday, 19 October 2020

5 years since my surgery in 2020!

Sorry that I haven't been responding to any comments. I wouldn't imagine this space is still active! And I'm so glad the details I have shared here has helped some people!

Here is my update after 5 years! I did my surgery in April 2015.

As you may or may not see, it's completely natural. At least that's what I think. I have never ever had someone (that is NOT a long-term friend) come up to me and ask if I had surgery done.

In this pic, I am wearing mascara and concealer for my undereyes.


  1. Wow it held up really well! Good for you but not for me, I was hoping my would go down in a few years :'( thanks for the update

    1. Oh no! How long has it been since your surgery & what happened?

    2. It's still early for me, almost 2 months. But the problem is the doctor gave me the wrong size mistakenly -_- so I was hoping it would come down with age and I'd be happy with it in a couple years

    3. Hello! Did your crease ever go down? I'm really scared as I just got mine 2 weeks ago and it seems unnaturally high.

  2. Wow, your results look so good! I'm so happy with how in depth your review and progress was. I recently got mine done 2 weeks ago and I feel like our eyes look very similar during the healing process. I just hope with time mine will look as natural and pretty as yours!

  3. It looks so good!! I really hope my eyelids will come out as wonderful as yours in the years to come. Thanks for sharing your experience and the continuous updates over the years!!

  4. Hey, I just want to say that your eyelids look gorgeous, even after 5 years. A good decision!

  5. So glad I found your blog! Your eyes look so gorgeous and natural, I would never guess you had anything done. How big is your crease now?
